天嵌 ARM开发社区

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TQ2440 启动问题(I2C Write ERROR 1460)

billsmate333 发表于 2013-3-29 11:01:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 billsmate333 于 2013-4-1 23:51 编辑

TQ2440 的板子,本来好好的,不知怎么的启动就出现I2C Write ERROR 1460


##### Eboot for TQ2440/SKY2440 #####
#####     www.embedsky.net     #####

Microsoft Windows CE Bootloader for TQ2440/SKY2440 Version 6.0 Built Dec 28 2012

Press [ENTER] to launch image stored on boot media, or [SPACE] to enter boot monitor.

Initiating image launch in 0 seconds.
Launching image from boot media ...
+=OEMVerifyMemory+ dwStartAddr:0x80200000  dwLength:0x4
RAM image 0xa 0x80200003
+=OEMVerifyMemory+ dwStartAddr:0x80201000  dwLength:0x4
RAM image 0xa 0x80201003
INFO: OEMLaunch: Jumping to Physical Address 0x30201000h (Virtual Address 0x80201000h)...

?C?Windows CE Kernel for ARM (Thumb Enabled) Built on Sep 25 2009 at 11:04:23
INFO:OALLogSetZones: dpCurSettings.ulZoneMask: 0xb
DCache: 8 sets, 64 ways, 32 line size, 16384 size
ICache: 8 sets, 64 ways, 32 line size, 16384 size
Arguments area has some values
FMD_OEMIoControl: unrecognized IOCTL (0x71c24).
INFO: CReg2440Uart::CReg2440Uart using processor frequency reported by the OAL (67500000).
INFO: CReg2440Uart::CReg2440Uart using processor frequency reported by the OAL (67500000).
I2C Init
IIC IRQ mapping: [IRQ:27->sysIRQ:20].
INFO: DAC_Init:: using processor frequency reported by the OAL (405000000).
::: PWM_Init Sucessfully.
CAM clock:24000000
CamClockOn = 1
I2CWrite ERROR: 1460
I2CWrite ERROR: 1460
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I2CWrite ERROR: 1460
I2CRead ERROR: 1460
I2CRead ERROR: 1460
Camera::Product id is 0x0
Camera:: OV9650 initialize is faile
CAMERA.DLL::InterruptThread Initialized.
[dm9: Chip signature is 90000A46
[dm9: Chip signature is 90000A46
-OALIoCtlHalGetDeviceInfo(SPI = SPI_GETUUID, rc = 1)
GPIO Initialize ...OK !!!
LCD: display instance 'Drivers\Display\S3C2440\CONFIG', num monitors 1
LayMgr.cpp: Layout Manager successfully initialized to  2
Maximum Allowed Error 7:
CamClockOn = 0
Explorer(V2.0) taskbar thread started.
NDISPWR:: Found adapter [DM9CE1]

 楼主| billsmate333 发表于 2013-3-29 11:02:54 | 显示全部楼层

Ethernet Boot Loader Configuration:

0) IP address:
1) Subnet mask:
2) DHCP: Disabled
3) Boot delay: 1 seconds
4) Reset to factory default configuration
5) Startup image: LAUNCH EXISTING
6) Program disk image into SmartMedia card: Enabled
7) Program DM9000 MAC address (10:23:45:67:89:AB)
8) Kernel Debugger: ENABLED
9) Format Boot Media for BinFS
B) Mark Bad Block at Reserved Block
D) Download image now(USE TFTP)
E) Erase Reserved Block
F) Low-level format the Smart Media card
L) LAUNCH existing Boot Media image
R) Read Configuration
U) Download image now(USE USB)
W) Write Configuration Right Now

Enter your selection: u

USB host is connected. Waiting a download.

Addr: 0x30000000 ; Size: 0x1ECF966
Read Bin Files StartAddr:0x80200000 ; Length: 0x1F4063C

Download BIN file information:
[0]: Base Address=0x80200000  Length=0x1f4063c
+=OEMVerifyMemory+ dwStartAddr:0x80200000  dwLength:0x1f4063c
RAM image 0xa 0x8214063b

ROMHDR at Address 80200044h
+WriteOSImageToBootMedia: g_dwTocEntry =1, ImageStart: 0x80200000, ImageLength: 0x1f4063c, LaunchAddr:0x80201000
INFO: OEMLaunch: Found chain extenstion: '' @ 0x80200000
Writing single region/multi-region update, dwBINFSPartLength: 32769596
CreatePartition: Enter CreatePartition for 0x21.
LastLogSector: Last log sector is: 0xfefff.
CreatePartition: Start = 0x1100, Num = 0xfb00.
WriteMBR: MBR block = 0x10.
WriteData: Start = 0x0, Length = 0x1f4063c.
Updateded TOC!
CreatePartition: Enter CreatePartition for 0xb.
FindFreeSector: FreeSector is: 0x10c00 after processing part 0x21.
CreatePartition: Num sectors set to 0xeda00 to allow for compaction blocks.
CreatePartition: Start = 0x10c00, Num = 0xeda00.
WriteMBR: MBR block = 0x10.
dwSignature: 0x434F544E
BootCfg {
  ConfigFlags: 0x2830
  BootDelay: 0x1
  ImageIndex: 1
  MAC Address: 10:23:45:67:89:AB
ID[0] {
  dwVersion: 0x60000
  dwSignature: 0x45424F54
  String: 'eboot.nb0'
  dwImageType: 0x2
  dwTtlSectors: 0x400
  dwLoadAddress: 0x80038000
  dwJumpAddress: 0x80038000
  dwStoreOffset: 0x0
  sgList[0].dwSector: 0x400
  sgList[0].dwLength: 0x400
ID[1] {
  dwVersion: 0x1
  dwSignature: 0x43465348
  String: ''
  dwImageType: 0x2
  dwTtlSectors: 0xFA04
  dwLoadAddress: 0x80200000
  dwJumpAddress: 0x80201000
  dwStoreOffset: 0x0
  sgList[0].dwSector: 0x2100
  sgList[0].dwLength: 0xFA04
chainInfo.dwLoadAddress: 0X00000000
chainInfo.dwFlashAddress: 0X00000000
chainInfo.dwLength: 0X00000000
INFO: OEMLaunch: Jumping to Physical Address 0x30201000h (Virtual Address 0x80201000h)...

?C?Windows CE Kernel for ARM (Thumb Enabled) Built on Sep 25 2009 at 11:04:23
INFO:OALLogSetZones: dpCurSettings.ulZoneMask: 0xb
DCache: 8 sets, 64 ways, 32 line size, 16384 size
ICache: 8 sets, 64 ways, 32 line size, 16384 size
Arguments area has some values
FMD_OEMIoControl: unrecognized IOCTL (0x71c24).
INFO: CReg2440Uart::CReg2440Uart using processor frequency reported by the OAL (67500000).
INFO: CReg2440Uart::CReg2440Uart using processor frequency reported by the OAL (67500000).
I2C Init
IIC IRQ mapping: [IRQ:27->sysIRQ:20].
INFO: DAC_Init:: using processor frequency reported by the OAL (405000000).
::: PWM_Init Sucessfully.
CAM clock:24000000
CamClockOn = 1
I2CWrite ERROR: 1460
I2CWrite ERROR: 1460
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I2CWrite ERROR: 1460
I2CWrite ERROR: 1460
I2CWrite ERROR: 1460
I2CRead ERROR: 1460
I2CRead ERROR: 1460
Camera::Product id is 0x0
Camera:: OV9650 initialize is faile
CAMERA.DLL::InterruptThread Initialized.
[dm9: Chip signature is 90000A46
[dm9: Chip signature is 90000A46
-OALIoCtlHalGetDeviceInfo(SPI = SPI_GETUUID, rc = 1)
GPIO Initialize ...OK !!!
LCD: display instance 'Drivers\Display\S3C2440\CONFIG', num monitors 1
LayMgr.cpp: Layout Manager successfully initialized to  2
Maximum Allowed Error 7:
CamClockOn = 0
Explorer(V2.0) taskbar thread started.
NDISPWR:: Found adapter [DM9CE1]

亚瑟王 发表于 2013-3-29 11:08:22 | 显示全部楼层
billsmate333 发表于 2013-3-29 11:02
Ethernet Boot Loader Configuration:

 楼主| billsmate333 发表于 2013-3-29 11:26:03 | 显示全部楼层
亚瑟王 发表于 2013-3-29 11:08

 楼主| billsmate333 发表于 2013-3-29 11:41:56 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 billsmate333 于 2013-3-29 11:49 编辑
亚瑟王 发表于 2013-3-29 11:08

亚瑟王 发表于 2013-3-29 18:05:27 | 显示全部楼层
billsmate333 发表于 2013-3-29 11:41
禁用I2C驱动,是不是只要 ...

 楼主| billsmate333 发表于 2013-3-29 19:03:39 | 显示全部楼层
亚瑟王 发表于 2013-3-29 18:05

亚瑟王 发表于 2013-4-1 10:48:28 | 显示全部楼层
billsmate333 发表于 2013-3-29 19:03

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