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rs232串口通信baud rate是bits/pecond吗

米+油 发表于 2012-12-30 15:30:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The baud definition is that it is the term of measurement for data transmission speed. The term was invented by the same man who created the telegraph code, J. M. E. Baudot. A baud is the transmission of one bit per second or one electronic state change per second. This term is a bit outdated and has since been replaced with bits per second or bps. This is because baud rates do not correctly identify how many bits are traveling at a given time. With new technology a baud can allow more than one electronic state change per second. For instance, a 4800 baud rate may have 9600 bits traveling through per second. This is why it is more common to hear data transmission rates referred to in bits per second (bps) rather than baud rate.

Baud(波特率) 的定义是与数据的发送速度有送的。这个词是那个发明电报码的家伙J. M. E. Baudot发明的。
1 baud是bit/s 或是 一个电信号的变化/s
但是这个定义已经过时了,而且被bit/s代替了 bps
随着科技的发展,baud可以用来表示超过1个电信号的改变 每秒
例如: 4800baud rate 可能是9600bit/s
但是在rs232的串口通信协议中,我们用的baud rate=bit/s
如果 我们用的 19200baud rate,就是说发送数据的程序可以达到每秒19200位
lzty634158 发表于 2012-12-31 00:06:04 | 显示全部楼层
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