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TQ2440 新建WINCE6。0项目无法烧录

lgtomlg 发表于 2013-10-23 09:58:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Addr: 0xC000000 ; Size: 0x1F14999
Read Bin Files StartAddr:0x80200000 ; Length: 0x1F7EDC8

Download BIN file information:
[0]: Base Address=0x80200000  Length=0x1f7edc8
+=OEMVerifyMemory+ dwStartAddr:0x80200000  dwLength:0x1f7edc8
RAM image 0xa 0x8217edc7
+WriteOSImageToBootMedia: g_dwTocEntry =1, ImageStart: 0x0, ImageLength: 0x0, LaunchAddr:0x0
Writing single region/multi-region update, dwBINFSPartLength: 33025480
OpenPartition: Invalid MBR.  Formatting flash.
Enter TQ2440 FastLowLevelFormat [0x0, 0x7ff].
Format TQ2440 Nand Flash: found a bad block (0x3) - skipping...
Format TQ2440 Nand Flash: ...erase complete.
WriteMBR: MBR block = 0x0.
BP_FastLowLevelFormat: Done.

CreatePartition: Enter CreatePartition for 0x21.
LastLogSector: Last log sector is: 0x7feff.
CreatePartition: Start = 0x1100, Num = 0xfc00.
WriteMBR: MBR block = 0x0.
WriteData: Start = 0x0, Length = 0x1f7edc8.
CreatePartition: Enter CreatePartition for 0xb.
FindFreeSector: FreeSector is: 0x10d00 after processing part 0x21.
CreatePartition: Num sectors set to 0x6ed00 to allow for compaction blocks.
CreatePartition: Start = 0x10d00, Num = 0x6ed00.
WriteMBR: MBR block = 0x0.
INFO: using TOC[1] dwJumpAddress: 0x0
ERROR:OALVAtoPA: invalid virtual address 0x00000000
INFO: OEMLaunch: Jumping to Physical Address 0x0h (Virtual Address 0x0h)...
wbz073 发表于 2013-10-23 13:52:31 | 显示全部楼层
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